from the road less travelled to.....
Saturday, July 11, 2009 11:14 PM
3 years have passed and looking at the rate that i am going, not truly satisfied as I felt that I can do it better? but it does leave wonderful memories, capping back how i told the 'MR' that I would love to start a blog as to document every seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months of my pregnancy, so that, once Nadrah grows up, she will have a chance to read through my fabs moments when she's in my tummy. but not all happen smoothly, as I do admit my flaws, works tends to drag me from having a consistent entries that i made a pact for. regrets i do but i shall not take the road less travelled no more.

begining a fresh page and it starts
with wordpress. not in my dictionary to prove its greatness against blogspot but let's conclude that its simplified everything for a 'uncoded' person like me. so do continue to read my pit-a-pats and once i understand the mechanism of WP, i will create the link. (what to expect, i am an uncoded person... i need time to relearn all this. =p)
twisted me twisted hormones
Monday, May 25, 2009 10:39 PM
Am i having the best hormonal twist till it gets on my emotion and pulses out on my teary weepy gland making me to cry non-stop without knowing why? Too add on to this whirlwind motions, nadrah has been cranky lately, waking up in ungodly hours just to shrill for barney. Not that it ends there, she wld open my mom's room and pull her outside to main living room. I feel bad cause my aging mom has been having sleepless night and no; you would'nt caught me sleeping, snuggling to my slumberbed. Instead, i too would be on guard duty till she falls asleep. But once so, its working time. It has been going on for weeks. Can u imagine how my body clock now?At this stage, i even ponders what's up with my life as if all are going bad for me while my others acquaintaces always post never-ending gd news. Arrrrrgggghhhh.
Am i pregnant for the 2nd time? Cause the last time i feel this way was July 2006.
-- Post From My iPhone
a plus-sized stitch
Sunday, May 17, 2009 12:34 PM

i think mine would be the yellow fig on the 2nd row
am i regretting it? at times i do. but i am a product of my own doing
so shall not dwell on it further. like the mr would say, u are beautiful as a person and if u feel u want to lose that excess baggage; do it for your own self and health.
thoughtful eh? but being a scorpio, we the species that can't accept any praises or good comments, cause we are just 'Scorpio'. just something random cause first i am still sleepy from my 'barney mayhem' with nadrah and last but not least, i am still sleepy from my 'barney mayhem' with nadrah.
did i repeat that twice? gosh, i am SLEEPY.
too many things on my minds or action plans that i have yet to get it going.
(1) blog layout - need to change. i wanna black black black, 2 columns with my family shots. this has been on my mind since i start to blog in 2007. and i still have not add summer link. what to do, 'procrastinate' is my middle name.
(2) getting the capital - i wanna setup my own plus sized boutique??? i have search high and low for some fashionable plus-sized shops but none met my taste. either they have downsize the size (especially dorothy perkins. or i have grown extremely fat) or their line are so 'classic'. so please God, hear me out please. just give me $30k and i work wonders with it. for profits earned, i will distribute to the needy especially schooling children. can?
(3) me a seamstress - with ref. to point 2. i wanna learn how to sew my own clothes especially baju kurung. this dream have been on my mind since 2000 and yet again, i shelved it aside. i need to relive my dreams as plus-sized designer. lol
ok, i am dreaming big albeit my size is big too. let me just creep to bed now and spur myself to have this dream.
a threesome masquerade bday
Monday, May 11, 2009 12:17 AM

the threesome birthday
the above sums up my weekend. had a wonderful, hot and steamy BBQ @ costa sands resort (pasir ris). when i say 'hot and steamy' it is indeed is; except sticky would be the best synonyms for steamy.
theme was masquerades and that's the reason why they were wearing a mask each. felt like in new orleans - mardi gras minus the bejazzled chains, semi-naked women, carnival marching music or alcohol. instead accompanying or bringing the atmosphere to its name; were the bibiks rattles on about what's in or out, my lovelies charging to one another believing that they are power ranger overdrive, 'i want nobody by wondergirls' music played at odd frequency and the constant - ' eh eh, baik baik budak tue main terjun ajer. jaga dier eh!' (simply verbatim translation - eh eh, be careful, he/she just jumped only. take care of him/her eh')
the noise created was a remedy to my hectic working week. what's more would be the 'expensive quality moments' that i enjoyed greatly. seeing, meeting, joking, interacting, laughing with them cures my 'work depression'.

sue with bik mayah (before they stormed off to downtown east)

my 4 lovelies eating ice jellies

nor with her school friends

my beautiful & young cousins (gosh, i am old....)

a joking moments between mak & uncle amin

concentrating in picking up the coctail fruits

the scaredy cat nadrah & the mr

the infamouse satay - fanner

latest edition to Samad's cicit - Siti Alisha (hope i got the name rite)
sad to say, for all many photos that i've taken, i realised that i did not ever take any family photo with the mr and lil nadrah. instead, i took ira's specs complete with a towel and came with this 'Born to be a Nerd' campaign shot.

for the mr, he is doing 'i'm masai' campaign. hope to get good $$$ from this.

only if u are a washboard
Friday, May 8, 2009 10:26 PM
i marvelled when i came across this vid. honestly, just by hours or even minutes, u can create your own high waisted pencil skirt. and honestly, i threw up after it. cause for plus-sized girls out there, dun't ever try to make this at home. cause the only miracle u can achieve at the end of it would be, over-bulging fats sticking out at every side of your fig. word of caution, don't go for those elastic materials unless u have a washboard fig. stay true to cotton or polyester.
Create A Conservative Yet Sexy Belted High-Waist Pencil Skirt - The funniest home videos are here