it is not easy being a diva, I tell u
constantly being followed while i even at my moyang place
i thot i could rest from my busy and hectic schedule especially since i just completed my latest movie - The Chronicles of Nadrah: The Prince Caspien
boy, i was wronged!

oh damn! i just spotted the paparazi... what should i do? quick, get it from the bag!

better change my path soon before she caught up with me...
how many times should i tell u??!!! that i did not date Brad Pitt! too old for me lah...!
ok ok. will u leave me if i admit it? yes, i am with someone. zac to be exact. he left vanessa because he finds me to cute too be true...really! cross my heart and swear the truth
u still here? i have just confess and u still want to buy me? do u know who is my papa? better scram before he bring his pool of man in blue uniform. ditto?