I'm just bummed. My body is going thru some serious alterations that's defragmenting at times. Seriously, i need some software upgrade to boot this 30 yet 42 (as wii diagnosed) years old body of mine. Let's check - i would wake at 5am and go to sleep after 12am, pratically everyday since the day my mom went to umrah. It was a stretch doing this routine but glad that i managed to pull it thru. But the period of pulling thru was not steadfast; after a week of surviving the short hours, skipping to work anticipating the new scope & serenity, gearing to work my a** off for all concept papers that ms d is still hounding me and just feeling 'me', has finally subsided.

Save me please? Tow me to land of naps & fluffy pillow. I want to shut and restore my system & battery life before May. Pls... Pretty please....
-- Post From My iPhone