it is coming to a month after milions, gazillions, trillions peeps celebrate the new year - 2009
most would have set their resolutions and perhaps running in the rat race to achieve it
as for me, i am still clueless or rather undermining the power of resolutions. cause for once, i have never (in my 30 years of unbelievable weight) ever achieved all resolutions set, so i am kindda wary of me setting another one. as of course, after blog-hoppping, reading most bloggers resolutions for 2009, it does sets me thinking. yes, i have now a set of resolutions which is flying aimlessly in this knocked out brain of mine, finding the perfect greenery to land and stay rooted. so while it is still flying, i shall not share with you first.
while waiting for that to happen, i am pretty much excited after the 'shittiest' week after. hopefully, the proposal will go through and my revival for funxcite will come true. for a start of great events for the colleagues, especially since the influx of FA cases has rose drastically, i do hope the upcoming event will bring a little (or not alot) to them. so exciting if i may add, cause the long gone dynasties will be reliven where each will comand and conquer the ox trophy. and i was telling CH that my job is worthy for those who appreciate me and i shall go beyond the 5 thousand miles (doesn't that ring a bell to you?) to make sure it happens.

so come 9 feb 2009, i'll come prepared with my tanglongs, lu kan oranges coupled with chocolate coins. think i am gonna lose my voice somehow or rather. lo hei ah lo hei ah huat ah huat ah huat ah. i think i will. oh wtf... lol