For the past week, i felt as if my shoulders were laden with 10 tonnes barrels which somehow or rather has adverse effect on my sleeping cycle but not food. Darn! It came light when i finally made 'the' decision after going rounds of consultations, soul searching and prayers. For the choice made, one way or another, i shared it on facebook till the whole 'ismawati' network knows that i'm going to some place new. Well, you can't blame me but i was so excited that i've made 'the' decision cause knowing myself, i'm such a comforter and once nestled for nearly 8 years, it's hard to move. Many wonders if i shifted out of PA or still in PA and having upwards promotion, etc. For me, i'm happy to be still in PA, so that guess is wrong. For upwards promotion, despite 8 years in PA where i should climb up to promote myself, i still thinks it's not the time as yet because i have wasted 3 years while i was at CO and now, i have a family to take care of and i dont want more of my quality time to be taken. For all that has been said, i'm just having lateral transfer within my cdc that promises new job scopes & mgmt style (yahoo?).
When i told my 2 bosses of my decision there were mixed reactions. Shortly after, she msn me to see her after lunch. As expected, i told myself. I knew that she has a mtg with GM at 4pm, and while i was about to make my move, one of my colleagues was having the consultation session with the 'DR'. Hooray! At least that wld drag the time and she has no time to see me. But my happiness was shortlived at 3.30pm. As i stepped in, both eyes were hawking deep at me, ready to criticise me should there be any wrong moves. I sat down & immediately the 'condemnation' starts. At that instance, i felt as if i was sucked to another dimension and caught myself in between 2 endless screeching bullet trains. On surface, my head was nodding like the fortune cat; just accepting it all tho i feel like rebutting at times. Subconciously, i was imagining that it was me seating at the other hand with her nodding profusely. That's must be my wildest dream. Lol. I was saved by the bell after an hour later and zombied out to my workstation. At least that's over i thought. While still serving the nonchalant mood, i reminices the 'good times' with my workstation. This workstation has served me well and since i joined cdc, this was my 5th. To get it was a tough ride since i have to wait for someone to either resign, promited or transfer. The best of this table is; it is obe of the exclusive among others because it's long and has many storage. Being 'Miss Keeper', i practically keep everything. So it is quite resourceful if i may add. Let's peek through what's with my workstation.

A calendar with markings is essential since it helps in traxking the 'necessary' deadlines. Calculator to calculatw how much $$$ i have spent for projects procurement and IMM latest publicity stunt. Perhaps to outbeat the recently opened Jurong Point.

To minimize space usage, i caught this wonderful stationary box at Daiso. At only $2, this can hold up many things & suprisingly it can still stay affixed to the workstation wall. Coolness rite?

Btw, did i tell u that i was the 26th floor winner for ECo Green Best Workstation? Living true to our motto to build a susyainable south west, greens are everywhere in our office. Go Green! Captain Planet will be proud of me?

Presenting on the left of it, files, files and more files. Loaded with concept papers, reimbursemenr papers, disbursement papers and the list just go on. Whatever papers u want, i have it except for exams paper. No pun intended yeah. Btw, seated next to me is 'Father Soh'.

The world of artistry starts here. With my trusty hard disk on the right fully pasted with post it notes. Within reach, a cup of coffee (only when needed cause it was never a liking to me) and our very own cdc water.

Phone that will always rings whenever i'm either out for meetings, events or off/leave. When I'm in office, it just shuts. I wonder why?

This to remind me of the simply alluring macaroons that my 'chief diva' got for me from france-paris. All airflown via SQ and the freshness still lingers. Dun forget to get it for me again in October k?

Did i u that i'm an organiser freak eversonce i watched an episode of Oprah where this guy was teaching on how to be an effective worker. So there're boxes for everything from 'to process','for approval','to follow up','to file','for reference', etc. Likewise, it helps me to be systematic. Colorful right? No, there's no coded going on, purely to add cheers against the random office colours or if it is a bleak day.

And should the colours does'nt help, this smiley face will boost me for sure. Many things are simply wonderful like the funXcite, colleagues who are ever supportive & maniacs at times, the ambience and culture sets. Who knows in the next 2 years, when i'm ready, i will be a SRM at swcdc. Meanwhile, work- life is a learning journey and i will continue to absorb this rusty brain of mine. Pass me 'Singa' machine oil can?
Speaking of which, time to spring clean again. Cause i heard the table i'm getting is not exclusive as current. Gosh, I'm going to miss this long table of mine. =p
-- Post From My iPhone

like finally, i have stayed up late just to get this done since i am moving to a new career path. let's start new and fresh though i know that i should get it started and over with when 2009 turns in. at least, it is not too late rite? met mardiah and she told me that i look radiant now eversince the 'decision' has been made and finalised. yes, i am happy although there's bout of fear of me not scaling to greater heights and wonders if i have made the wrong choice? i am a paranoid (read: i really do) whatever it is, i will move on and as per my life principle, take every challenge with stride and live with your fears. thanks for your kind words, mr nash. i know that i can always depend on you. and same goes to my wonder CDC Divas. though i was stinked with the new 'satay' parfum, the laughter and nonsensical 'New Yoker' behavior was totally 'unacceptable'. for that, we shall meet again every month though someone has resigned and joined the great force of 'nurses and doctors'. oh gawd, i have simply drawn away from 'humour' since you are all left me, for that, i thank you for leading me back to 'humour-sanity'.
btw, listen out to my playlist dude. Simply RED lah dey. so so so ol-skool. for that record, i wish to reiterate, i am a 70's kid. 70'an gerek?. =p