make it a honey flavored onedun ask me why but if you were to browse thru my blog, there's seem to be alot of add-ons. i was not bored to death when i starts to play with it, but it just a placebo for my soreness poo poo throat that irritates me whenever i think about it. so since i got time to find widgets online, sure for 1 reason or another, i have spurred myself to learn more about sore throat and perhaps find an equally good treatment for it.
so let's start with 'Do You Know?' - A Sore Throat is one of the most common of medical complaints.
An inflammation or infection of the pharynx accompanied with discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat.
Highly contagious that can be spread thru cough and sneezing >> that explains why u should always cover your mouth
It is a symptom and not a disease.
The first indication that you're getting sick.
Its severity ranges from simple scratchiness to severe pain.
Do visit the doctor if your sore throat is a recurring prob not associated with a viral or bacterial infection.
They are by no means pleasant >> you can say that again.
Soothe your throat by drinking a cup of hot tea that contains honey
If it is severe and persists for more than 2 days and followed by fever, headache, rash, swelling, nausea or vomiting you should visit your doctor
So What is the Best Cure?Gargling with thyme tea which is a powerful antiseptic, disinfectant, antibacterial, anti this and that, or using lemon juice.
If lemon is not your cup of tea, you can always add a little honey to it, which will also help the throat.
For the daring one, eat some well-beaten egg whites.
Alternatively, have a mixture of equal quantities of honey, vinegar and lemon juice, taken in teaspoonfuls several times a day. The honey is soothing, the vinegar clears the sinuses and the lemon kills the bugs (that's keeping it simple)...
Drinking a lot of fluids will help you get rid of a sore throat.
Drink a ton of hot water and try gargling with Listerine; it gets rid of a sore throat surprisingly fast.
Plus a metric load of vitamin C will get rid of a sore throat.
Herbal medicines can really help.
Gargle cayenne pepper mixed with water 3-5 times a day until the sore throat is gone.
What great remedies! Any precautionary info once cured?Once you get rid of your sore throat, get rid of your toothbrush as it may cause the sore throat to return.
Installing a humidifier in your room will help you get rid of a sore throat as well as prevent it.
(source from
no wonder! i have missed out the honey in the tea. duh! anyway, think this week is the worst one, cause I'll need to call the plumber in too (if you know what i mean) for for techie info, my laptop definitely need a burial ground. it has to be scouted and decor well since it has done me justice thru-out my years in cdc. been spilling drinks, food (especially biscuit crumbs, no wonder there's ants crawling ard it. maybe they have nested in my laptop?), enduring thru my so-kasar-therma typing and angst frustration sponge. sad to have you go but in due of protection, u allowed me to rest cause i just cant checked email. thanks lappie. you'll be missed. heart heart you always.