I need more MILK / SUSU / NUI NAI!

i told u so mama!
i would not be wailing hard
or get temperamental
u pull out the teat from my cutey pie mouth
u will not face this disaster if only there's enuff milk for me
todays visit to NUH OGR has been fine
thanks ms Pediatrician
for showing my mama + papa the light at the end of the milky passage
a Shrilling delight
cause from now on
no more 45ml of delicious milk
mama + papa will be treating me to
80ml of superlicious milk (enfalac A+: good for baby brain development)
because i'm a long baby
in 1 month
i only progress in gaining only 500 gm and i need more!
yes! more of milk to put me on a good weight
so till the next visit to ms pediatrician,
i'm pretty sure that i will be growing at an abundance rate