i know i know
been off the bloggy thingy lately
nope, it was not the procrastination fever
just blame it on my daily night activity with little JEPON

coming to 3 weeks old and she has revealed her true self
so MANJA... i can't even leave her alone on her cradle cause she would cry her eyes and lungs out loud
just so her hefty MOM would come running to her, rescue her from her Winnie the Pooh headrest and trustfully cradle her hard with my so 'not' muscular biceps (kwa kwa kwa)
but yet, it is an experience not to be missed
as everyday passed, she gets a day older
and each aged day, she showcase different character and style
oh, the joy of being a Mother
lack of sleep but still enjoying it
oh yeah, Happy 64th Birthday to you Ayah!
moga dipanjangkan umur, murahkan rezeki + sihat2 selalu
love u tons!