it has been a battlezone since june
endless submission of concept papers, follow-up and approvals one after another
it has been taxing indeed eversince redeemed a new title of a working mother
ain't no easy tell u
cause for one, i don't hold a 9 to 5 job or to be precise a 8.00 to 5.30 job
daily work will be disrupted with either a site recce, meeting or even briefing to attend
and this is on top of the current workload that you are having?
am i complaining?
nah, never was....
just happy that i have gotten myself on the busy track of life
juggling between work, family, hubby and nadrah
as a positive outlook, i'll just take it as an opportunity
to improve my time management
but what i do hope is that
despite my irregular working, i could still enjoy quality time with my precious nadrah
she has developed well, i would say
she has turned '4' months
and her new development is that she has started to accept eating baby food
her fav would be 'Mango & Apple' puree by Heinz
next flavour to try would be
chocolate mousse.... ehmmmm... superlicious
nevertheless, i hope to do well this year
with few projects on the tow, i am happy
happy that i still have the drive and hopefully it shall not get exhausted
so what have i been busy with?
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