as much as i want to post an entry from work especially sharing 'the kids' wallpaper that was beautifully done by Sue. i just can't cause the text bar seems to be missing. i had to rub my eyes often just to confirm that i am not rabun in one way or another. so no pictures, no interesting quotes, nothing at all. or is this a pre-set system to inform us not to blog while working and purposely load an error on page. since then, access was denied for friendster, facebook but please dun take away my msn from me. i would be a veggie if it were to be taken out from the server.
parents are now are getting more spastic when taking pictures
no,i am not refering to other parents who love taking pictures with their kids, which i find theirs are more gracefully captured with super nice pose that comes complete with warmth smiles and laughters
i am just refering to myself and nash.
it was never easy when we want to take pics with nadrah cause for sure, we both 'are so-not-the-supermodel' quality and the only pose we can have would be us sticking our tongue out or not the ever famous 'peace sign'.
think nadrah was delighted when she first came to know about the peace sign
(refer to nash photo). boy, was she elated and decided to give a smile for the extra effort given by her papa.

but then, when my turn came. i think nadrah has turned sick with us having the same finger pose. by the look of the pic below, she just can't be bothered. at the back of her mind, she must be thinking, 'apa saja lah mama and papa aku nie, asyik asyik nak peace sign, tak class langsung'...
guess she herself is a natural-born model to compare with her both 'spastic' mama & papa.