overdue stuff since 2006 and before maternity...
Number 1i have yet to complete my studio photo since wedding hey days
so it is approximately coming to a close 10 months since...
and with me pregnant, how can i complete my outdoor?
Number 2my hand over notes to irene and the temp staff
sheesh, i just don't know where to start...
get lost or maybe lazy to begin with
with Fy2007 programme/project, i think i better start planning fast
who knows the 'BP' will just come in anytime...
Number 3to prevent history repeats twice
to clear all backlogged of payments and approval
sux it if it has to be covering approvals...
send it in to ensure smooth maternity leave
that is without phone calls interuptions and so forth
Number 4fy2007 concept paper
some ongoing programmes need to be reviewed and re-proposed
so hopefully i'll hit my KPIs successfully for this year...
Number 5???ehmmm... it is 11.30 p.m. and my brain machine has stopped
till i can squeeze it well, i will continue and further add on to the list
oh well...
thought my nenek skills in making jeneket would pass down to me naturally but apparent I was WRONG (SUPER wrong). diligently follow according to the recipe given to me by my bibik and there i was measuring it according to its specs. seems like i cover every nook and hole that nothing could ever go wrong. left it in freezer for the dough to settle down and set to fry it at 9.00 p.m. (just in time for me dad to view the repeat telecast of Arsenal VS Middlesborough and B to come back home from his morning shift) alas, all those hard punching and stretching goes to waste... the jeneket which I hope will rise and fluff turn out to be jePANCIT... kwa kwa kwa called upon my mom to review my doughing process and it turn out - jeng jeng jeng - the supposedly to be 1 cup of water, i have replaced it to be 1 glass of water.. kwa kwa kwa me + my stupid great idea to use glass since I don't trust a cup of water be able to dilute the 600gm of flour. in the end, my dough become sticky and overly sweet (maybe i have add in more than the intended amt of sugar, mak... another stupid idea of mine, yet again)... soon mak came to my rescue, called bik nah, asked her on how she does her and kapoosh, off she zoom to the kitchen and cook up a dough storm. apparently, hers make it compare to mine and thereafter, my ayah starts to rattle on speculasion that i might have use the wrong specs... and bluntly i admitted of using a glass instead of a cup. so tomorrow, my mak will spread the news of how STUPID i get in using a GLASS instead of a CUP to the SAMAD's network. sure sure, laugh for all u can. cause i know i'll be able to make jeneket successfully in my next round - just watch out for it, all of u skilled chefs...
but before this jePANCIT incident happened, let me summarise my week of hell...
a) i was a part of SW ComCare Local Network taskforce and thus was entasked to look in the planning and coordination of the launch. that was held last friday, 2 February 2007 @ JRL and attended by Minister Lim. Was a living hell as there's a lot of coordinating works with VWOs, Event Management, JRL, etc but like i say, i do that for a living so though it is a living hell, it just summed up to pleasures at the end of the day. to conclude, good crowd, response and media hits though there were 3 major glitches happened - no one welcomed the GOH, GOH did not click the mouse strongly to launch the programme and oops i forget the last one...

b) suffered backache, migraine and bloating feet due to intensive walking and running. everyone was suprisingly amazed at the look of me (being 8 months pregnant and all) doing all those *laborous* job... yeah, i might look fit as a fiddle now but wait for the event aftermath. spent my whole saturday, lying on my bed and sleep my way through the day.
c) feel bad for not completig the 3rd council meeting minutes and i'm sure to get the hound down by kuda. scram lah, i am now nursing my aching feet and back.
d) oh yeah, the GOOD news of the day.... my B, yes, my wonderful B has been promoted to STAFF Sargent! yeah yeah yeah! all his hard effort has come to a good point. keep on thriving for the best B. at least one of us is getting promotion...wonder when is my turn? oh well, shall not hope on it... as long increment i am fine. looking forward for March... *kaching kaching*
e) and yes, my smiley N is 35 weeks as at yesterday and i am counting the days to the BIG POP! dates that i look forward would be 28 Feb, 12 March or the EDD itself - 18 March... no more later than that ok Smiley N, cause Mama wants u to be a PISCES baby... oooooh yeah...