i think mine would be the yellow fig on the 2nd row
am i regretting it? at times i do. but i am a product of my own doing
so shall not dwell on it further. like the mr would say, u are beautiful as a person and if u feel u want to lose that excess baggage; do it for your own self and health.
thoughtful eh? but being a scorpio, we the species that can't accept any praises or good comments, cause we are just 'Scorpio'. just something random cause first i am still sleepy from my 'barney mayhem' with nadrah and last but not least, i am still sleepy from my 'barney mayhem' with nadrah.
did i repeat that twice? gosh, i am SLEEPY.
too many things on my minds or action plans that i have yet to get it going.
(1) blog layout - need to change. i wanna black black black, 2 columns with my family shots. this has been on my mind since i start to blog in 2007. and i still have not add summer link. what to do, 'procrastinate' is my middle name.
(2) getting the capital - i wanna setup my own plus sized boutique??? i have search high and low for some fashionable plus-sized shops but none met my taste. either they have downsize the size (especially dorothy perkins. or i have grown extremely fat) or their line are so 'classic'. so please God, hear me out please. just give me $30k and i work wonders with it. for profits earned, i will distribute to the needy especially schooling children. can?
(3) me a seamstress - with ref. to point 2. i wanna learn how to sew my own clothes especially baju kurung. this dream have been on my mind since 2000 and yet again, i shelved it aside. i need to relive my dreams as plus-sized designer. lol
ok, i am dreaming big albeit my size is big too. let me just creep to bed now and spur myself to have this dream.