it was so hard to live without you
everyday and night i keep thinking of all the good times that we have together when we were apart. ur sleekness, ur chiseled face, smooth skin and wittiness keeps me pulsating
i still remember when we first meet. it was in hectic march 2005 where i was planning for family funnival and my elders' wedding. though our intro was kindda cold, your warmth starts to pull through gradually, helping me along the way and keep me in sanity.
as time past by, we always come in contact from daily till hourly till seconds
i just can't stop myself from knowing you more. as years go by, it made me realise how valuable you are to me and with incidents, it made you realise how u needed me too.
still remember, we were working late and both got kindda hungry
there i was sharing with you my favorite M&S choc chip cookies with you. though you were hesitant initially, you started to cave in to your desire till you just can't have enough and had to keep it between you.
from that moments, i always look forward for such opportunity to be with you and share biscuits or snacks together. such an intimate moments are not easily forgotten and all hardships, late nights and joy together is non-perishable. we grew stronger each day and we went a step further by keeping in contact after nash doze off at night.
night was never boring with you.
with your husky deep voice, you would croon for me while i busy doing work and sending me therapeutic tones that keeps my mind alert and well or while i was depressed with deadlines
we were there for each other like adan and eve
you are my soulmate, confidante, sweet honey, love and bickering partner
btw, do u still remember how u lost ur button just because u were trying your best to help me finish my report that required by Ms D urgently?
i tried to buy you a new one but ur button is just too exquisite
promise i'll get it for you nextime... or never?
but alas, i lost you forever now
it was a shock to me when u leave me abruptly, sending me signals that you have been hit with a love 'bug'. i thot we are in it together. it has always been you and me. and now you just leave me.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
that's one unfateful day where i never ever feel so handicapped
i was almost turn berserk!
don't you know how much I need you? friends consoled me and says that it is for the better
at least, this is one good excuse for me to break free
somehow, it is true. i just have to let go of you
i miss our ol' good times together and what left now is just sweet memories.
hope that you'll find peace and happiness after meeting your love 'bug'
you shall never be forgotten, my love
goodbye my Fujitsu Life Series baby
you have indeed done justice for the past 4 years
thank you for all the good or bad times, u are cherished and respected by me
may you rest in peace with your love 'bug' and i am sorry for missing that 'button' of yours
it seems your guarantee expires last year and to pay for $300 +++ for a new set of keys, i think that pretty absurd