a drag really
though initially, i feel honoured that i was
the chosen one nominated to attend the course since it definitely added a boost to my mundane office life
enthusiasm fills me when i learn that one of the topics to be taught would be on marketing - services marketing to be exact. cause some might have known, i have some plans rolled up in my sleeves; dreams to reality...yeah balls, time to kick ass lol
and what is a better way to enjoy it than with such great companies, my trustful sidekick, Ms Mardiah aka the Human Torch and Irene (ehmmm... no action heroine charater yet...)
however, i think i spoke too soon...
coz my enthusiasm faild me, bcoz just barely 2 hours after the course started, my eyes were doing the 'i tried to stay awake but i can't' stance
i realised that i can just shut off without knowing and caught myself in a startling act.
when that happen, i just hopping that no one would ever take any notice out of it.goodness, can u imagine how 'paiseh' i was when the lecturer was staring at me thinking that i was doing some medition or so... 'yama yama yama yama -- adapted from the police academy where high tower were disguising to be a meditation expert..., do u guys know? shits, i am ol.... that was such an old movie'
anyway, i have survived the 2 days and learnt about the U as well as N process, Maslow Hierachy, the 5th discipline (like as if i am learning some martial arts rite), now i know who is peter sange, MIT, porter model, MAPS and more lah
so many things to digest within 2 days class - i think it is MAD, luckily there's notes... kwang kwang kwang
notes for us to fall back too since we need to present to our colleagues during staff meeting cause maybe they feel pinched for paying for us to attend such an expensive course and might as well torture these 3 ladies further or squeeze the best of us by requiring us to present on the learning points. learning points? shucks... i start to realise that my organisation starts to copy the operandi of a school
btw, i was in the Polar Bear workgroup though i feel we are not that ferocious as we could be but i am glad that i made new contacts from NGOs and VWOs. so anyone who wants to work with a rehab home, do message me yeah, there's an opening... not sure of the pay though. it is suitable for those who have passion in doing community work
ghim moh was a great place to venture
mard and me were scooped by the cheap soyabean drink (it is just $0.50 for a very big mug), sweet smelling of old neighbourhood, the ever packed hawker center, the big drain, our virgin walking trip to holland v from ghim moh, catching shots of the train tracks and 775.75

somebody, please enlighten me, what is 775.75?
the distance or what?