for the benefits of those who might not understand what this crazy Isma is talking about... haha
this is a pic taken and publish in the Draft ECo Plan Blueprint as well as taking one face of a humongous cube which is currently roved at Frontier CC.
Ms Giggly. That's what my sis is. She giggles everytime i tell her bout the new development of her shot, till she asked me, 'kau nak autograph aku tak?'. ehmmmm... feeling diva betul kakak aku nie... but whatever it may be, thanks for volunteering for the shoot (which can be outrageous at times, pegang pokok nie lah, shot yg memerlukan pandangan jauh lah tapi paling best, biler posing hindustan... baring atas rumput... kwa kwa kwa)
nextime, if there's opportunity to be an overnight celebrity, i will just post on my blog. those who are interested, i be more than happy to have you k. if not, asyik muka kakak aku jer... hahaha