for things like cyclops, congkak and many others...
Sunday, May 18, 2008 10:41 PM
a random post
nash is not Singapore Ironman
instead he is Singapore Cyclops
happy now?
after 20 years, my mom popped up the question to me
something which i dun see it coming since she feels awkward doing it at this prime age of her
supposedly, it was to be nash, shahrul and me
but since nash is not up for it, she popped it to me.
she just wants to go to cinema with us to watch Congkak
i tell u, she was overly excited while our way to West Mall, not forgetting mixed feeling too since she worries that she'll be the only makcik there
due that, i was reassuring her that it will not be the case
thru enuff, it was a full house with many came to watch in a full family unit (inter-generational somemore)and like org melayu nya panggung, semua tak diam... haha
throughout the show (especially during the suspense part), u can hear people beristigfar, shout 'mak', seru nama ALLAH s.w.t and pelbagainya...
in unison, the whole theatre was laughing our hearts out when Khazman was shaking terribly after seeing the spirit... kan cakap lagi lah tak percaya, sekali dah nampak, terus kejung seh brother... lol
what i think of Congkak?
the review lives up to its name despite I feel that there are certain things that they have not included, of which, if it has been included, the story would be perfect
maybe they are shortage of film time, hence, M Rajoli did not go on to explain further. oh well.
moral of the story, haruslah bersembahyang, percaya atas kewujudannya serta, beri lah salam kalau masuk rumah kosong.. lol
compulsive obsessive...
1:00 AM
a treatment is needed for me
i would go crazy without it and in this slave driven corporate world, we are so in need of it
different colours, types, function and has evolved to be an augmented product.
a very good medium indeed, helps to score point with the mgmt if u were to present it in that particular package cause it reflects u to be a neat person
wld constantly bug shirley to just give it to me though i know i have tons and tons of it in my drawer
its presence just complete me.... ahhhhhh
i have a fetish for files
yeah, no mistake on that, files
big, small, colour, transparent, without holder, with it, top or side opening
i just love it, a sucker indeed
was clearing my workstation and i was bowl over with the num. of files found unused

think i am crazy.... no wonder Shirley always gives me that look whenever i ask for a file. a check on the inventory record, i guess my name appear most of the time... haha
anyway, today was a great day
went to MIL place where nash and lil tomato was waiting for me
nasi lemak was great since it was topped with sambal udang... my fav... sighhhh
off to chinatown but in the end, no stop was made and DIL was driving us ard the CBD area with stories told at each special points (now i know why amoy street is called amoy... and the location for the famous temple for those secret society...)
see, singapore is indeed rich with history and heritage
but the ultimate would be when lil tomato was having her 'I want to be' Day
she was seen heading to her nenek's room where she picked up a tasbih
with that, she returned to the living room and was ready to have it put on her head
she must have thought that she's an arabian princess (without the veil) with the tasbih hanging on the side
she was seen making turns and going rounds and round, parading her new 'tasbih' crown and before the full string tasbih be unstring,i decided to take it off her head. sowwie, princess, i just got to take away ur tiara...
if a tasbih can't be a tiara? what else could i get from nenek's room... perhaps atok songkok?