once upon a time, ismawati had enuff of those bad email etiquette
and she felt it is time for her to put justice to this corporate world
to tame the 'old pea' & guide her on the proper virtual languages
google she went and she came across this moos & nooos of email etiquette
without much hesitation, she copy and paste
sharing with the flock though deep down inside, she is insinuating it at the 'old pea'
remain diplomatic, she quoted a professional message with hope, aims and dreams
that the old pea would catch the ball
second, minute and an hour past
her inbox ring a ding to notify her of an incoming mail.
yahoo, an email from the old pea
she patted her back, grin and heaved sigh of relieved
for she believed she has set something right and hoping to see no presence of 'CAPS' words/sentences in the old pea email.
for the first time she look forward to the old pea email and she clicked happily
not even a second later, she fell out of her chair
despite the attempt of indirect sarcasm or educational point made on email etiquette
the old pea still have CAPS in her email
double whammy right!
and you shall know how i feel to receive CAPS email first thing in the morning
especially if it is from the old pea.

so hard to cook an old pea