switching windows rapidly
i've tried my hands on morphing
taking reference on my wedding pic, i did not realise i was fann wong in the making
minus the size definately...
i am too... so what about the MR? is he the christopher lee in the making?
back at work on saturday
seems like ages since i have been 'so on' with work
is this my new found hobby of being label hardworking officer who wish to create good impression to the supervisor with chances to get promoted?
guess so not
i am coming back to work because Ms D is going on long leave
till 18 October 2007.. *yikes*
though there'll be someone who is overseeing her work, i rather not go to that particular someone due to her wholesome 'kindness' and 'efficiency' in clearing our paperwork... not forgetting the 'kudaness' in her with endless hands + fingers movement. i tell u if her toes are expose, i would think they would be swaying left to right while she is making her 'speech' or findings... lol
anyway, back on me having to work on Saturday
as normal lah, nothing beats keponess in reading other bloggers' updates
no, i am not kepo to find out what they have been going to, their problems and so forth... it is more of intellectual wellness if i may say... an alternative platform for me to source for suitable makan place, possible event venues, current trends , etc... so it boils down to work research.. . =P
nevertheless, i came across this interesting look-a-like meter and decide to try it out. not because the others are doing it and i kepo2 wants to join the bandwagon but instead, to prove to my 'kero' colleagues that Nur Nadrah Binte Nashrudin does look like me and not my hubby. sheesh... though it was only a minor 4% win, it does justify that she (Nur Nadrah, Lil Tomato, Jepun...)resembles me MORE than the Mr.

see, i told u so my 'Kero' colleagues..
now, dig ur heart out and have ur eyes corrected... lol