a 'BEAR-ful week indeed!12 days since my last update
a record i reckon
my thot or noughts for the last 12 days
i strongly feel that 24 hours a day is never enuff
however, what's the point of stretching ur hours serving unscrupulous and undeserving chimps
simply pointless
so instead of lengthening the hours, why don't they just cut the work short?
hey, we are trying to promote the M&P package rite? albeit the 'cash' incentives offered with news that they may cut down the incentives due to economic turmoil, alternative route would be to cut the working hours
quality time = cutting alot of unneccesary working hours
prim and simple. no more hassles. indecisive thoughts. bogus ideas that can or has implication to your working hours. all of the above needs to be blown away by the bomb squad
outcome of such acts = extra time
with presence of extra time = couples will relieve the 'procreation' aura hence help to boost the country population rate! likewise, time is just a factor to one act in producing. as most definitely to have the 3Rs - Ready, Responsibility & Rah in one stepping a foot in parenthood is essential.
so if you have been wondering what have the mundane me been doing?
alot actually that i practically snooze once i'm done with it. the past 12 days have been well-filled with:
a) Nadrah 'First Accounts/Experience'
b) Harith 3rd Birthday
c) Me being the 'Emcee' for 2 CDC event
d) FunXcite Activity
e) Good News frm Management (Alhamdullilah)
f) his valentine techie gift
keen to know the details? well... u just have to wait for the next entry. I'll promise you it shall be a 'bear-ful' entry to read. pixs are available 2.
p.s. - i so in lurveeeee with my nikon D90 & the U4.
thanks nash. just like what others told me, i know that i am lucky to have u.
for u have made many of my dreams come true.