hey, it is me, the fat one. LOL
u know what makes me happy?

when i am not deployed for any event , i feel blessed! cause that's when i would spend my sunday with full of anticipation, love and joy with nashao and lil nadrah. a precious moment indeed for us since we both are equally tied down with work. nashao with his shift and me with event/project

and my feel of joy never stops here.
cause to have them (my ayah, mak & shaharul) to spent it with us makes me feel glorified =)

adding to the feeling of glory would my siblings!
not forgetting our offsprings that never fail to make us shout, run, pespire, uncalmful moments. on top of it all, their antics foster us together
being cousins, they do have their own personal space despite that they are only toddlers. i always wonder what are they yapping about when they meet. such shot of them together is priceless.
from having their 'toddler-convention' out came the ball and it is soccer time or perhaps rugby

since the girls can't rough it out with the boys, out came the 'bubbles-chaser'

bubbles can be quite bored at certain extent, the kids proceed to have their own custom 'human-swing' by nashao
and while the kids at play, the sister and in law spent time chatting and bonding
with us all retreat for picnic-styled lunch
we eat sue's delicious aglio olio that have a good spread of prawns (lain kali jgn ikut cakap abg, bawak 4 container skali. hahaha)

admist the good makan session, lil atiqah just had to do it. some RA session going on here =p

but watever it is, we still enjoying it. giving a palm up, thumbs up, twist sign, and whatever it can be to the day that was well spent together. and where else that we can have it than at....
it was my first time there and yes, Mardiah, it is huge with bountiful, plentiful and abundantful of beautiful trees, flowers and even dog poos. hahahaha and with a such luxurious green space, we all have fun (and sweaty)
wanna see us in actions, click here!
and seriously, i need to buy flickr pro. too many photos too little space. perhaps by next pay day?