today was fun despite my plans to go to geylang serai with my family was unfruitful
needless, it was fun, bonding time with my loved ones
seems like we are rejuvenating our dating scene but with a little baby tagging along
it was picture - perfect
i know this will sound mushy and for those who don't like any bit of it, i would advise you to just ignore and enjoy the pic, yeah
just wish to convey my gratitude to B for being there for me when in time of need
you are an epitome of a hubster
-: a shoulder to cry on :-
-: someone to confide to :-
-: my sarcasm partner :-
-: my funky antics partner :-
-: my $^%$^$&(& partner :-
u are everything
thanks for being my bestfriend, my hubby & a father to my child
love u tons!
meantime, managed to snap a few pics (really few, just 5 to be exact) with moi hp
guess it is time afterall for a new digi-cam =p