yes, it was my mak birthday yesterday, 31.12.2008
had small gathering with my elders today @ my abode and i am happy whenever they are here cause i missed living my family life with them when we young and singles. but look at me now, happily married with nashao and a beautiful child to be with, what's not to be happy. and the plus point is, i have my mak, ayah and shaharul to be with me too. i am glad that nashao is the one for me and he has no issues with me bringing my family to reside with us cause i always been the baby and since i was young (in pri 1 in fact), i had promised to take good care of my parents when they turn seniors. and i am glad that i have to do so now. so thank you alot Nashao. i knew for start you were the one for me when we first chatted on mirc. it is so strange but so true. hahaha
but then again,
have i told you that i am smitten with mr edward cullen?
not his pale look or his high end hair that makes girls drool about
it's his eyes. something magical about it (despite the fact that he used contacts and all) but i just adore his deep set eyes (and i am lucky that nash has deep set eyes too) as well as his bad boy image that makes good girls (like me?) to go goo-goo ga-ga over
and the song on my blog now, was the one that they dance to during the prom night
so so so loooooomaaaaannnnttttiiiicccc
i used to question what is so great about twilight till i watch it myself with mardiah & janice
and quite enlightening when we end our day with 'to be trained to be human tofu, just send the newly appointed vampire to yoga session at bangalore!' sorry janice, but it just crosses my mind to say that, nothing planned. really! what new would be, we have made a pact to meet ms nparks, ms sa, ms mcys (if she can wake up on time? hahaha) as well as ms project at least once a month for a good movie. possibly a review over coffee or my fav ice chocolate with hazelnut afterwards?
thanks to nash, he has helped to dl the ebooks for twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn
shall lunch in for now as i am in major 'saving mode' till march 2009
but at least, i have reasons to do so, that is to complete reading the books
sigh.... i shall fascinate mr edward cullen while doing so with me being bella? (*puke*) or if nash just got jealous over it, no worries, i shall paint an image of nash in my mind being pale and done up the chunky hair. at least, that's seem appropriate?
much so for 2009, to lunch in and saving money will be one of my long-term goals so that i can enuff savings to achieve my other short or long-term goals. pffttt...i really need a lot of help in this and as discussed, we hope to finish all our loans by late 2009 or 2010 by cashing our bonus to pay all. so this year, def. no shopping gala or excessive spending. (oh god, do give me the strengths. lol)
hey, it was never easy to have a house of your own, with multi-killing renovation made and now with a child that carries alot of financial responsibility. likewise, we would shrug with teensy of regrets for not saving early or enuff, if i may add. but we both decides that these are all learning points that we learn and shall be cautioned in the future. for now, ultimately, my (our) goal would be to finish off all these 'heavy-burdened loans, which is ending very soon. =)
if u think to save money is only my goal for 2009.
fat hope, cause i have more to my sleeves but am too tired to type since tomorrow is another working day and the only day. why can't they just spare us tomorrow and be merry by extending it to be another PH? shrugs
on a high note, I LOVE YOU MAK!!!!!!
let me be the one to take care of you now and be concerned with those complicated issues